
A Rare and Endangered Pony: Known as the "Great All Rounder"

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About The Breed

Often called The Great All Rounder, the Dales Pony is a rare and endangered breed known for its strength, intelligence, stamina, and good disposition. The breed originated in Northern England.

They are one of the UK's native mountain and moorland pony breeds. They were used as pack ponies for the lead mining industry and excelled in carrying heavy loads, at speed, over difficult terrain.

Over the years they have adapted to many different roles, including being used in farming, as shepherd’s ponies, in trotting races, and they were even used in both world wars.

According to the Dales Pony Society they should be: A strong, active pony, full of quality and spirit. They should have the very best of feet and legs, along with ample silky feather on the heels.

Ideally standing between 14-14.2hh.

Colors include: Black, Brown, Bay, Grey and Roan.

Today these hardworking and beautiful ponies can be found in several Countries around the world, including the United States, Canada and Australia. They are used for both riding and driving. From dressage to long distance trail rides, they continue to show the world why they are loved as a great all rounder.

Quest Info

In this episode we learn about the Dales Pony and meet Lad, a sweet and lovable gelding that was imported in 2012. He is now a proud ambassador of the breed in the United States.

Quest Horse: Roandale Gay Lad. Owned by Meg Robbins.

Where to Learn More

Dales Pony Society


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