Kiger Mustang

Meet Oregon's very own wild horse!

About the BreedQuest InfoLearn MoreSee More

About The Breed

The state of Oregon is known for its rugged coastline and diverse landscapes. But for horse lovers there is yet another reason to visit. Oregon's very own wild horse.  Known for stamina and agility both in the arena and on the trail. They even made it onto the big screen in the animated movie with Matt Damon called, “Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron.”

Adoption events only happen once every three to four years and as you could guess, they are very popular events! The Kiger is a specific type of Mustand with Spanish background and dun factor. “Dun factor” is a gene that dilutes the coat color and adds primitive markings such as the dorsal stripe down the back and zebra markings on the legs.

Quest Info

In this episode we meet up with Stacey Harnew of Wild Horse Mountain Ranch and horse trainer JR Robles.

My Quest horse is a wild born Kiger Mustang Stallion namedRegalo de Gran
See Regalo’s Facebook page Here.
Filmed at:
Wild Horse Mountain Ranch
Featured Trainer:
JR Horse Training

Where to Learn More

Registry: Kiger Mesteño Association

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