Norwegian Fjord

A unique and beautiful breed from Norway.

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About The Breed

The Norwegian Fjord Horse has been bred in Norway for over 2,000 years. Recognized by its distinct dun coat and characteristic two-toned mane, this breed comes in five officially recognized colors: brown dun (the most common), red dun, grey dun, white dun, and yellow dun. Their appearance is recognizable due to their upright mane, which is often trimmed to highlight the dark stripe running through its center.

Historically, the Fjord was a vital part of Norwegian agriculture, used for farming, logging, and transportation. They are renowned for their calm, friendly, and hardworking nature, making them excellent for driving, riding, and therapeutic work today. Fjords are compact yet powerful, standing between 13.2 and 14.2 hands on average, and possess a balanced, sturdy build ideal for various tasks. This breed is also known for its agility and surefootedness, making it well-suited for mountainous terrain.

The Norwegian Fjord's bloodlines have been carefully preserved, and the breed has undergone selective breeding to maintain its ancient characteristics. The first studbook for the Norwegian Fjord was established in Norway in the early 1900's. Today, they continue to thrive in various disciplines and are cherished by equestrians around the world.

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Featuring: Phil Odden & Else Bigton, Ole Odden, Beth Beymer, Norges Fjordhestlag, Norsk Hestesenter, Fjord Horse International, Norsk Fjordhestsenter, Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry, 2023 Stallion Show.

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