The Pura Raza Galega (PRG), also known as the Cabalo Galego de Monte, is a native horse breed of Galicia, Spain, with origins tracing back to Celtic ancestry. Adapted to the rugged Galician mountains, these horses thrive at high elevations, enduring harsh climates. They are used for leisure riding, ecotourism, and therapeutic activities. This long-lived breed plays a vital role in controlling underbrush, reducing wildfire risks, and preserving biodiversity in Galicia's forests. With only about 1,600 horses remaining, the PRG is considered endangered.
I met up with Adrián Martíns with Finca Moreiras to learn about the breed. We take a ride through the forested hillsides on his once-wild geldings named Galo and Grelo. Then we head out to the mountains to search for wild horses!