
A Gaited and Spotted Breed

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About The Breed

The Walkaloosa is a gaited horse breed originating in the United States, celebrated for its smooth intermediate gaits and distinctive Appaloosa coloring. While many Walkaloosas are a cross between Tennessee Walking Horses and Appaloosas, other gaited breeds, as well as pure Appaloosas, are also eligible. Known for their versatility, these horses excel as pleasure and trail partners, offering riders a unique combination of comfort and eye-catching coats. Standing between 13 and 17 hands and weighing 600 to 1,300 pounds, they come in a variety of patterns and may display traditional Appaloosa features, such as striped hooves and mottled skin. Registered horses must demonstrate Appaloosa coloring and perform an intermediate gait other than the trot, like the rack, foxtrot, or running walk. The Walkaloosa Horse Association, established in 1983, continues to promote and refine this exceptional breed, blending the best traits of its ancestors.

Quest Info

Filmed with Tenmile Walkaloosas in Oregon, USA.

Where to Learn More

Walkaloosa Horse Association: walkaloosahorseassociation.com

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