An Ancient and Endangered Breed

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About The Breed

Early Persian artifacts depict animals of normal size next to unusually small and refined horses. An an ancient breed, once thought to be extinct, until one woman rediscovered them in 1965. Louise Firouz, an American horsewoman found a small dark bay stallion pulling a cart near the Caspian sea in northern Iran. It was the start of her lifelong quest to save the breed.

A study done by the University of Kentucky suggest that the genetic makeup of the Caspian could be ancestral to other Arab type breeds.

“Perhaps the most exciting equine discovery of this century is the Caspian.”
~Bonnie Hendricks

The International Caspian Society and breeders around the world continue to fight for the survival of this ancient treasure with hopes that future generations of children will have the chance to become equestrians on the back of a Caspian. Standing only as tall as a pony, but with the build and movement of a horse. They are known for being natural jumpers and are especially suited for teaching children how to ride. Their status is listed as critical.

Quest Info

In this episode learn about the incredible Caspian breed. Hear their story of rediscovery by a woman named Louise Firouz, then travel with me to Enterprise Farms in California where I ride a Caspian mare!

Quest Horse: Kristull Angelique, owned by Gene Gilbert. Filmed at Enterprise Farms in Los Angeles, California.

Where to Learn More

Registry: Caspian Horse Society of the Americas

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