Eriskay Pony

A Rare Scottish Pony Breed that traces back to the original native ponies from the Western Isles in Scotland.

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About The Breed

The Eriskay Pony is a hardy and intelligent pony breed. They are a living piece of history that traces back to the original native ponies from the Western Isles in Scotland. The Island of Eriskay, was quite remote and difficult to access, which meant that as other breeds were introduced to different parts of Scotland, these small and rugged ponies were kept isolated and stayed very true to their original type.  Through the mid 19th Century, the ponies had very important working roles on the island including carrying peats and seaweed. But by the 1970's there were only around 20 ponies left. Luckily there were still people that cared about the breed and they stepped in to help save the ponies. Today there two breed organizations that work to preserve the breed.The breed is still very rare and listed as critically endangered.   Sometimes confused with another Scottish breed, the Highland Pony, genetic research has shown they are indeed, their very own breed.   Average Height is 12.0hh -13.2hh. They grow a dense, waterproof coat in the winter, which allows them to thrive in difficult weather conditions. The most common color is grey, but they can also be black or bay. They are very strong ponies and are ridden by both children and small adults.

Quest Info

Featuring Ruth Mcminn and her Eriskay Ponies.
Special Thanks to the Eriskay Pony Society!
My Quest Horse is: Catfield Amma, aka "Enya."

Where to Learn More

The Eriskay Pony Society:

Comann Each nan Eilean:

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