
New Zealand's Heritage Horse

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About The Breed

The Kaimanawa horse is a wild horse from New Zealand. Originating from ponies such as Exmoors and Welsh that were released in the late 1800s, these horses have adapted to the rugged environment of New Zealand’s central North Island. Over time, other breeds, including Thoroughbred, Arabian, Standardbred, and Clydesdale, were introduced, contributing to the genetic diversity and unique traits of the modern Kaimanawa.

Kaimanawa horses are known for their hardy and intelligent nature, forged by their life in the wild. They rely on strong herd bonds for survival, giving them exceptional social intelligence and a sense of trust when brought into domestic life. These horses range from 12.2 to 15 hands in height, come in all colors and patterns, and are appreciated for their versatility and adaptability.

Despite their wild origins, Kaimanawa horses have proven to be incredibly trainable and have excelled in a variety of disciplines, including show jumping, eventing, driving, and endurance. Many have transitioned successfully from their wild upbringing to domestic homes, forming strong bonds with their handlers.

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Featuring: Thomas Tukotahi Waara, Liselle Silver, Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand, Te Hapori Hōiho - The National Māori Horse Association and Kaimanawa Heritage Horses.

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