
Norway's Smallest Breed.

About the BreedQuest InfoLearn MoreSee More

About The Breed

This breed originated in Northern Norway. They are the smallest of the native horse and pony breeds in Norway. There are less than 3,000 of them and the breed is considered endangered. The first studbook for the breed was published in 1969. They come in a wide variety of colors with chestnut, black and brown being the basic colors.

Quest Info

Join me in Norway for an epic breed adventure as we meet several new breeds! Head out for a trail ride on a retired racehorse, see Coldblooded Trotters in action and then visit a renowned equestrian center dedicated to the promotion, preservation, and development of Norwegian horse breeds!

Where to Learn More

Landslaget for nordlandshest/lyngshest:

Norsk Hestesenter:

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