Old Kentucky Saddler

The oldest gaited horse breed in North America with less than 3,000 alive today.

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About The Breed

The Old Kentucky Saddler, also known as the Mountain Pleasure Horse, is a gaited horse breed originating from the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky. Genetic testing has shown that they are ancestral to several notable breeds, including the American Saddlebred, Tennessee Walker, and Rocky Mountain Horse, with some bloodlines traceable for over 200 years. This breed is renowned for its evenly spaced, four-beat lateral gait called the saddle rack, which provides a smooth ride, making them particularly popular among riders with back or joint pain. With an average height of 14.2 to 16 hands, they can be any solid color or coat pattern and are primarily used for trail riding, competitive events, and a variety of other equestrian activities. The Mountain Pleasure Horse has remained true to its original type despite a declining population of less than 3,000.

Quest Info

Trail Riding, Drill Team and Obstacles! The Quest continues with an  Equine Adventure Weekend at Rockin R Farm riding Old Kentucky  Saddler/Mountain Pleasure Horses! Filmed at Rockin R Farm. Quest Horse: Rockin R Lil.

Where to Learn More

Mountain Pleasure Horse Association


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