
A relatively new breed developed in Germany. They are a cross between the Icelandic and the Peruvian.

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About The Breed

Both breeds known for their natural and smooth gaits. The Icelandic horse was one of the first horses imported to Germany. Walter Feldman Senior imported the Peruvian horse. He wanted to create a new breed, but at that time this was restricted in Germany, so he had to communicate with the Ministry, to submit his idea for the concept of creating a new breed that was 5/8 Icelandic and 3/8 Peruvian blood. This is a working horse that is good for working for longer and in every situation. The breed was officially recognized in 1994, and there are about 1,000 registered. They average 13-15 hands and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Their coat is less thick than the Icelandic, which improves their temperature tolerance. Their gaits include the walk, trot, canter, and tolt. They are an all around horse used by both children and adults for distance riding, daily rides, driving, working equitation and dressage.

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Featuring Inge Windelschmidt and her Aegidienberger Horses!

Where to Learn More

Gangpferdezentrum Aegidienberg:

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