Tennessee Walker

A Smooth Gaited Horse from Tennessee!

About the BreedQuest InfoLearn MoreSee More

About The Breed

Developed in Tennessee during the 18th century, from the Narragansett Pacer, Canadian Pacer, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Morgan and American Saddlebred breeds. Their purpose was to be a  utility horse that had a gentle temperament with a stylish and comfortable ride. There are now over 500,000 registered worldwide.

They are known for their smooth gaits including the Flat Walk, the Running Walk, and Canter.  

They come in all colors and a variety of patterns. Some controversial techniques and even illegal practices have been associated with the breed. But those acts do not define the breed itself and it is important to celebrate their worth in the equine world as the incredible horses that they are. From patrolling at music festivals, to working as therapy horses, you can find them in a wide variety of equine activities and disciplines.

Quest Info

In this episode I visit the Metro Nashville Mounted Patrol unit and  learn about their horses. Then I head over to ThorSport Farm and get a  tour of the facility, meet up with a variety of Tennessee Walkers and  even get to ride the World Champion Stallion, Line Item Veto!

Where to Learn More

Tennessee Walker Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association


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of the Breed:

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