Colorado Ranger

A unique American horse breed!

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About The Breed

The Colorado Ranger Horse Association is the oldest western horse breed registry still in existence in the United States. But what exactly is a Colorado Ranger? Their roots trace back to 1878 when General U.S. Grant was gifted two desert stallions. But the breed and the Association became official in 1935 after a man named Mike Ruby showed his leopard stallions at the Denver Stock Show.

For almost 30 years there was a 50-member limit for the Colorado Ranger Horse Association. Meaning that many horses with Rangerbred heritage were not registered. The Association has started a “treasure hunt” to find the lost horses. With research suggesting that 1 out of every 8 Appaloosa's could be a Colorado Ranger.

Quest Info

In this episode I travel to Horizon Hill Ranch, where I ride a National Champion Stallion wearing handmade Native American Regalia!

Quest HorseL Felix. Owned by Horizon Hill Ranch

Where to Learn More

Registry: Colorado Ranger Horse Association

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