A Hypoallergenic Horse Breed!

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About The Breed

Known for their curly hair, wonderful personalities and being hypoallergenic. Many allergy sufferers have found they have little to no reaction to the Curly horse! In 2015 a study in Germany confirmed their hypoallergenic properties. Over time, some of the riders in the study became less sensitive to other equine allergens. Suggesting that being around the Curly horses long term could help some riders minimize their reactions to other breeds. The Curly horse has been in the US since the 1800's. But their exact origin is still unknown.

They have curly hair year round including curled eyelashes and ear fuzz. Their hair provides excellent insulation and can even be used for weaving and knitting projects! With a wide variety of types and sizes they can be found in almost every discipline and they are well loved family horses.

Quest Info

In this episode I meet up with the official Curly Horse Ambassador, Sarah Thaut. She takes me on a trail ride with two of her hypoallergenic horses!
My Quest Horse is: WK Twizzler, a sorrel Curly mare.

Where to Learn More

International Curly Horse Organization:


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