Stonewall Sporthorse

The Stonewall Sporthorse is a unique Horse Breed from the United States! Their trademark look is a stunning leopard-spotted coat.

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About The Breed

The Stonewall Sporthorse is a unique breed from the United States. Their trademark look is a stunning leopard-spotted coat. The breed was developed by world champion breeder and lifelong horseman Michael Muir. He hasbeen breeding them for over 50 years. They are bred for their soundness, trainability, courage, and stamina. "They’re a little bigger than average and a little on the heavier side because I like a big foot and a lot of bone. I’m a driver as opposed to a rider myself, but a lot of people do like to ride my horses, and my finer type does well in dressage and eventing. A lot of them jump; they have aptitude for that. For me personally, I want a big, strong horse, and I like to drive multiples too, so, you know, I’m after the horsepower." -Michael Muir

The breed played a key role in the foundation of the American Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse. In 2001, three Stonewall Sporthorse mares pulled wheelchair-accessible horse-drawn carriages over 3,000 miles across North America. Today, the breed is used at Access Adventure in California to help enrich the lives of people with disabilities.

Quest Info

Featuring Stonewall Stud, Rush Ranch and Access Adventure in California, USA. Quest Horse: Stonewall Montelena.

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