British Spotted Pony

The British Spotted Pony is a unique pony breed from the UK. There are three different types within the breed.

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About The Breed

There is a long history of spotted horses and ponies in Britain. Their unique coat pattern once provided camouflage and helped them blend into their natural environment. Over the years these mystical spotted equines have been prized by royalty and noblemen. In 1976 the Societies were split between the British Spotted Pony Society and the British Appaloosa Society. The British Spotted Pony breed has three different types:

• The Miniature - which stands under 42 inches.

• The Riding Pony - Up to 14.2hh

• and the Cob - Up to 14.2hh

There can be a wide variety of spotted coat patterns including: Leopard,  Few Spot Leopard, Snowflake, and Blanket. Breed characteristics can also include: White around the eye, mottled skin and striped hooves.

Quest Info

Featuring: Tessa Salmon, Chyrose Ponies, Emilia Fleming & her pony Tyson.

Where to Learn More

The British Spotted Pony Society:

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